Blog: dental care

Veterinarian checking the teeth of a cat

The Case of the Disappearing Teeth

Did you know that cats can “resorb” their teeth? I sure didn’t. It wasn’t until one of the techs at our clinic told me. I was amazed! All cats are prone to a disease called “tooth resorption.” Tooth resorption occurs when the tooth is exposed to cells called odontoclasts. The...

cat dental teeth

Alternatives to Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth

Let’s face it not all dogs or cats will let you brush their teeth no matter how many times you try it. Don’t give up hope! There are alternative products out there that can help you achieve your goal.

dog dental and toothbrush

How Do I Brush My Dogs Teeth?

 This is a question that we get a lot at the Pet Hospital, so here are some helpful steps in how to brush your dog’s teeth: