Blog: Pet Care

Rocky Goes Home

The Southampton Pet Hospital would like to wish Rocky a happy life with his “forever” home!  Nothing makes us smile more (well maybe a few things make us smile just as much!) than when we get to adopt out a stray to a loving home.  We have sent more than...

Rowdy and Lexi Go Home

Whoo Hoo!  Here are a couple of success stories from The Southampton Pet Hospital Angel Fund:  Rowdy and Lexi were neutered and spayed respectively, by the generosity of our many patrons!  We LOVE it when we can help animals find a forever home, and it’s even better when we can...

The Mother of All Emergencies – Ryley’s Story

Meet Ryley – a lovable, friendly, and sometimes mischievous 10 year old Rottweiler/German Shepherd cross who enjoys the outdoors and relaxing at home with his family.   In recent years, Ryley had been dealing with some relatively minor neck pain and endocrine pancreatic insufficiency, but has been otherwise a very happy...

Going Paperless

Yes, we have always had the latest equipment, but now The Southampton Pet Hospital is going paperless—which will mean better communication, more organization, greater efficiency, and more ecologically friendly when it comes to our supplies.  You have no idea how much paper we go through in a month, let alone...